Trial Period Fee, Subscription Fee and Payment Terms
Please follow Terms of Use to be aware of definitions and details.

Last updated: February 1, 2024

IFZA Business Park, DDP, Dubai, UAE

1. Trial period fee, Subscription fee
1.1. Once you have created the Account, you have full access to use the Product immediately.
1.2. The cost of the Product use available during the Trial period (the first five days after Account registration) is $1.98.
1.3. On the next day following the Trial period, we will automatically continue your subscription for the following month and will automatically charge the banking card (debit/credit) you have provided the applicable monthly recurring $49.99 fee (the "Subscription fee") for indefinite period, as you continue using the Product.
1.4. You may cancel the use of the Product and stop processing the recurring fee. In this case you have to terminate the Account by clicking on the "Cancel subscription" link and follow the applicable instructions. Please check FAQ in order to find out alternative options to delete your Account. After your Account's deletion, the active subscription will be canceled as well.

2. Payment Security
2.1. The security of payments is carried out with the help of an acquiring bank operating on the basis of modern protocols and technologies developed by the international payment systems VISA International and MasterCard International (3D Secure, USAF). The security of the transmitted information is ensured using modern Internet security protocols (SSL / TLS) The transfer of the received confidential data of the Cardholder (card details, registration data, etc.) is carried out via closed data transmission networks certified by international banking security standards PSI DSS Level 1. All your data is securely protected.